Genre Episodes (Steven Universe Roundtable #16) – Overly Animated Podcast #255
Justin Cummings and Michelle Anderer discuss different types of genre episodes in Steven Universe.
Justin Cummings and Michelle Anderer discuss different types of genre episodes in Steven Universe.
Dylan Hysen, Delaney Stovall, Sam Quattro, and Michelle Anderer discuss the current state of Steven Universe as a whole and of specific plot elements, coming off of months of new episodes.
Happy 250th podcast! To celebrate Dylan Hysen, Sam Quattro, Justin Cummings, Michelle Anderer, and Brit Griffin rank their Top 10 Favorite animated films.
Delaney Stovall and Michelle Anderer take your questions and comments about the latest Steven Universe episode, “Last One Out of Beach City”.
Delaney Stovall and Michelle Anderer take your questions and comments on the latest Steven Universe episode “Future Boy Zoltron”.
Justin Cummings and Michelle Anderer take your questions and comments on the latest Steven Universe episode, “Mindful Education”.
Delaney Stovall, Justin Cummings, and Michelle Anderer discuss the August 25th episode of Steven Universe, “Mindful Education”.
Justin Cummings and Michelle Anderer take your comments and questions about the latest Steven Universe episode, “Buddy’s Book”.
Dylan Hysen, Delaney Stovall, and Michelle Anderer discuss the August 12th episode of Steven Universe, “Know Your Fusion”.
We discuss the Season 3 finale of Steven Universe, “Bubbled”. Appearing: Dylan Hysen, Sam Quattro, Justin Cummings, and Michelle Anderer.