Top 5 Animated Films of 2017
Beatriz Mourad, Michelle Anderer, and Andy Potter rank their top five animated films of 2017. Quote of the Pod: “Who wants to go?” *silence* “Andy, go.”
Beatriz Mourad, Michelle Anderer, and Andy Potter rank their top five animated films of 2017. Quote of the Pod: “Who wants to go?” *silence* “Andy, go.”
Justin Cummings, Michelle Anderer, Andy Potter, & Steve Zec take your questions and comments on the new Steven Universe special “Stranded”.
Dylan Hysen, Michelle Anderer, Justin Cummings, & Alex Bonilla recap the Jan 5th “Stranded” event of Steven Universe consisting of episodes “Lars of the Stars” and “Jungle Moon”.
Beatriz Mourad, Sam Quattro, and Michelle Anderer discuss “The Star.” Quote of the Pod: “#ChillMary”
Beatriz Mourad, Michelle Anderer, and Andy Potter discuss Ferdinand. Quote of the Pod: “Disney doesn’t have John Cena.”
Alex Bonilla, Michelle Anderer and Steve Zec recap the December 2nd episode of DuckTales!, “The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!”
Dylan Hysen, Michelle Anderer, and Alex Bonilla recap the pilot episode of Cartoon Network’s new series “Craig of the Creek”.
Dylan Hysen, Michelle Anderer, and Alex Bonilla recap the December 2nd Holiday episodes of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, “Stump Day” and “Holiday Spellcial”.
Sam Quattro, Mel Moyer, Michelle Anderer, and John McKenna think about the long awaited film, Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie.
Alex Bonilla, Michelle Anderer, & Steve Zec recap the latest eight episodes of OK KO! Let’s Be Heroes!, from “Glory Days” up to the “Villains’ Night” two-parter.