“The Enemy of Trust” Recap – RWBY

By: Dylan Hysen


Dylan Hysen, Hayley Nabuurs, & Madeline Potter recap the Volume 7 finale of RWBY, “The Enemy of Trust”.

Dylan is a software developer from the DC area who hosts the Overly Animated podcast discussing everything animation.



  1. junocturnal says:

    Hey! I’m a lurker and have been listening for years – I’m so sorry that you all endured so much harassment. Absolutely fucked up.

    I’ve been catching up recently and there have been so many times where I’ve just laughed out loud with absolutely no prompting whatsoever, even just in this one episode alone. Like – there’s been so many relevant points you guys have brought up, and yes, RWBY is so freaking aggressively mediocre and we’re all just here for the pretties and shinies. Folks need to calm the hell down. I really appreciate the sharp insight you guys have – I’m sad you guys are no longer going to podcast it but absolutely please do what’s best for your mental health. I guess you guys HAVE been hinting at this – Maddy insistently saying that she liked the show and so much of it was good on one of the episodes was so hysterical and fucking hilarious, but also had the vibe of the orchestra continuing to play while the Titanic goes down. I should have seen this coming – and I see this show kind of like why I keep. Watching. Fucking. Riverdale. It’s so horrible, and ridiculous but in a fun way.

    I also want to say I really appreciate Maddy’s rant – I watch RWBY casually, and surf the reddit, and everyone was talking about the trans subtext. And which now that I KNOW May is trans, seems very much like a horridly missed opportunity. I haven’t let myself be angry about trans issues for a long time as someone who’s also genderqueer, so I appreciated that a lot.

    Yeah, I also see how yalls dynamic has really pushed the podcast this far – you guys just have a fun energy that can only really come from people who are good friends, which is why I found myself laughing so much and not even having to force it at all. Anyway, yeah, thank you all again for the hard work you put in, the laughs, and I sincerely hope you can now consume this terrible media without having to deal with the hordes of terrible trolls. I’m going to try and catch up on Steven Universe: Future at some point and listen to you guys. Or maybe a different show. Infinity Train? Would you guys consider doing The Dragon Prince?

    <3 SO MUCH LOVE.

    • Dylan Hysen says:

      <3 thanks so much junocturnal! We've done pods on Infinity Train and Dragon Prince! Definitely would recommend Infinity Train. Also there's a ton of great new shows we've been talking about recently!

  2. Aqlex says:

    It’s the end of an era. I’ll be sad to see you leave, Dylan, and sad that Maddy and Hayley are unlikely to return either to host this podcast without you.
    I’m one of those that got suckered into watching the aggressively mediocre show that is RWBY, and though I’m consistently disappointed by episodes, I’m just invested enough that I’ll probably see it through to the end.
    However, I would like to mention that a highlight of my week was not usually watching the RWBY episode (unless it was actually a good episode), but listening to your podcast as you tore into the most recent episode’s writing or the show’s overall faults. THOSE were the moments that would get me to laugh out loud while driving, rather than thinking back on any “comedic” RWBY beats.
    There’s really no chance of you ever coming back? What if it was a Patreon-only podcast where the worst of the angry fans would likely be weeded out? I would still love at least entire volume recaps/discussions. Angry Dylan is just hilarious. But I completely understand if it just isn’t worth it!

    Here’s to your mental health. Good luck with the rest of your Overly Animated endeavors!

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